The Discovery of Witchcraft 1584 – where it all began (in English)……

Sitting proudly in one of the main display pods in The Magic Circle museum is “The Discovery of Witchcraft”, written in 1584, not by a magician, but by a Magistrate Reginald Scot, and it is this book which contains the first chapter ever written in English on the subject of ‘Magic’. Published in the reign of Elizabeth I, Scott’s intention was to show that those who, at the time were being burnt at the stake for practising what we now know as the art of magic, were not heathens, wizards
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The Close Up Show at The Magic Circle – 22 / 23 March 2018 dedicated to Fergus Anchorn MMC

One of the advantages of being a professional magician, is that I get the chance to work with some of my true friends in Magic, and as the regular Host of The Magic Circle Close Up Show, something I’ve been doing for about 2 years now,  I get to do this on a regular basis. Below is yours truly with regular performers Robert Pound, Lewis Starnes, Chris Wood ( who came up with the idea of the show) This Friday night show (see is always sold out, and due
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News Page Updates and Series of Articles

This past year has been an extremely busy one for me, especially in respect my time spent at The Magic Circle, where I have now been appointed as the Examinations Secretary, which means that I have the responsibility with my colleague and fellow Magician Robert Round, of dealing with all applications to join The Magic Circle, whether as an Apprentice or Full members, conducting their interviews, arranging their examinations and facilitating their journey to join our prestigious organisation. This is in addition to performing Close Up Magic at The Magic
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Thanks from Lesley Runciman

A couple for weeks ago I entertained at the 40th Birthday party of James. A friend of his wife, Lesley, had recommended me after they had seen me entertaining at another event. Today, having finally finished tidying up after the 130 or so guests, Lesley sent me the following email: Thanks you for entertaining at James 40th birthday Everyone that I spoke to said you were was amazing, and my friend Louise said that her husband Lee, is still dumfounded. I would thoroughly recommend you to anyone who was looking
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Photos from Hannah and Marks Wedding at Latimer Place

I was delighted to receive the following email from Heather, the mother of the Bride and the attached photos of me performing for Hannah and Mark at their wedding over the weekend at Latimer Place Dear Kev Well what can we say other than a ‘massive thank you’ for yet another evenings entertainment from you! We have to say that you are always on the list to make any of our special occasions the best we can. The delight from other friends and family members when we say you are
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